Welcome to Brew Me Like That. So glad you’re here.

It’s already getting a little steamy, isn’t it?

Brew Me Like That is a website for all you gorgeous coffee and tea lovers out there. This site aims to please, especially if you want to be lavished with tips, tricks, buying guides, product reviews, discounts, recipes, and more.

Feel free to poke around. And thank you for coming. Please come again and again.

May all your caffeine dreams and fantas-teas come true.


I’m an author, blogger, entrepreneur, comedy nerd, music nut, traveler, wanderer, thinker, dreamer, and the founder of Brew Me Like That. How’s your day going?

Admittedly, I used to hate coffee. I thought it tasted like dirt. And drinking tea? Well, that just seemed silly. But somewhere along the way, I decided to open my mind (and my heart), and change my relationships with these beverages. Soon, a whole new world opened up.

Now, coffee and tea are basically what keep me alive. I am fascinated by pretty much all things coffee and tea, and the culture surrounding them. I spend most of my days in coffee shops, pounding away on my laptop. Pounding away with joy, of course. But pounding away nonetheless.

Anyway…welcome to Brew Me Like That. Grab a mug and get comfy. I’ll see you around.